Do Mammograms really work? The Science!

A recent three-decade long study from the New England Journal of Medicine points to the possible over-diagnosis of breast cancer, and yes, the idea that the sacred mammogram may be barely making a dent in the fight against the disease. Peggy Orenstein, A New York...

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Finds Dark Matter?

Scientists find hint of dark matter from cosmos   GENEVA (AP) — A $2 billion cosmic ray detector on the International Space Station has found the footprint of something that could be dark matter, the mysterious substance that is believed to hold the cosmos...

What are EMF detectors?

EMF detectors can measure the strength of an electromagnetic field. These fields are measured in milligauss (mg). View the chart below to reference the different kinds of EMF fields. They range from low to high, with low being strong long waves of energy such as deep...